What is Suddenly Divorced Syndrome?

What is Suddenly Divorced Syndrome?

Seemingly out of nowhere, Jaime handed him divorce papers, and Taylor felt entirely blindsided. Taylor thought things were going well – they were faithful to one another, they weren’t behind on bills, and the kids were doing great in school. What could...
Common Financial Mistakes During Divorce

Common Financial Mistakes During Divorce

Financial changes are one of the most complicated and misunderstood parts of navigating a divorce. At Alexander & Associates, we understand the importance of addressing financial matters with care and precision during divorce proceedings. In this blog post,...
Divorcing with Special Needs Children

Divorcing with Special Needs Children

Navigating Divorce with Special Needs Children: Legal Insights and Supportive Resources Divorcing when children are involved is always a delicate process, but when special needs children are in the picture, it brings a unique set of challenges and considerations. As a...
Overcoming Divorce Guilt

Overcoming Divorce Guilt

Divorce is a challenging and emotionally taxing experience for all parties involved. Among the myriad of emotions that divorce can trigger, one of the most profound and complex is divorce guilt. It’s a sentiment that can grip either or both spouses, often...