Thank You For Your Submission

Thank you for setting a consultation with our office. We look forward to meeting with you. We would like to tell you a little about our firm so you know what to expect during our appointment. Alexander & Associates is a divorce and family law firm in Fort Collins. We specialize in initial divorce proceedings ; initial custody determinations; modifications of parenting time, child support, and spousal support; abuse and neglect defense; grandparent and foster parent representation; and all matters that affect the family legally.

Our goal is to fully resolve your legal needs and provide the tools you need to protect the best interests of your family. By taking the time to learn about your situation, explore all of your options, and work closely with all involved parties, we can help your family move forward, turn the page, and start the next chapter of your lives.‍

Thanks to our deep knowledge of Colorado family law, substantial courtroom experience, and client-centered approach to divorce, child custody, and other such cases, we can provide the representation you need to settle your dispute out of court, protect your children from the negative consequences of legal battles, and begin working toward a better future. If those out of court negotiations are unsuccessful, we will walk beside you into court to represent your interests to the judge assigned to your case. 

We strive to provide exemplary representation for all of our clients. That mission begins with our consultations. We want to make the best use of your time during our consultation. We would like to make sure that we are providing you with information relevant to your needs. Thank you for making us your choice for family law in Fort Collins.

In order to provide you with the right information, please complete the following intake form:

Learn more about Alexander & Associates, LLC

Divorcing with Special Needs Children

Divorcing with Special Needs Children

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Can I Quit My Job to Avoid Alimony?

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